Warning Information & Navigational Services (WINS)

Typically refer to a set of services and systems used in the maritime industry to disseminate critical information to ships and vessels for safe navigation and maritime safety. These services are essential for ensuring the safety of navigation at sea.

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How does WINS(Warning Information and Navigation Services) work?

Warnings and notices are provided to mariners through specific channels and formats. These warnings and notices can be categorized into different types, including NAVAREA warnings, NAVTEX (NAVigational Telegram and Warning eXercise) messages, and temporary and permanent notices. Warnings, whether in the form of NAVAREA warnings, NAVTEX messages, or temporary and permanent notices to mariners, play a crucial role in maritime safety and navigation.


1 / NAVAREA Warnings

  • Safety Awareness: NAVAREA warnings provide mariners with information about significant navigational hazards within specific geographic regions (NAVAREAs). This information enhances safety awareness by alerting mariners to potential dangers, such as uncharted obstacles, wrecks, or weather-related issues, in those areas.
  • Prevent Accidents: These warnings help mariners plan their routes and take necessary precautions to avoid accidents, such as groundings or collisions, in the affected regions.
  • Compliance: Mariners are required to comply with NAVAREA warnings and take appropriate actions to navigate safely. Ignoring these warnings can lead to legal consequences in case of accidents.

2 / NAVTEX Messages

  • Timely Information: NAVTEX messages provide real-time and relevant information to mariners. This includes navigational warnings, meteorological updates, and search and rescue information. Timely access to this information is crucial for making informed decisions during voyages.
  • Situational Awareness: NAVTEX helps mariners maintain situational awareness by delivering critical data about weather conditions, storm warnings, and navigational hazards in their operational areas.
  • Safety Precautions: Mariners can use NAVTEX information to adjust their routes, change speed, or take shelter in severe weather conditions, reducing the risk of accidents or damage to vessels.

3 / Temporary Notices to Mariners (TNTMs)

  • Chart and Publication Updates: TNTMs notify mariners of temporary changes to navigational charts and publications. These updates ensure that mariners have accurate and up-to-date information for safe navigation.
  • Avoid Hazards: By acting on TNTMs, mariners can avoid temporary navigational hazards, such as submerged obstacles or changes in buoyage, that may not be reflected on older charts.

4 / Permanent Notices to Mariners (PNMs)

  • Long-Term Changes: PNMs inform mariners about permanent changes in navigational aids, channels, or regulations. Mariners need to incorporate these changes into their standard navigation practices.
  • Safe Passage: PNMs help mariners plan their voyages with confidence, knowing that they have the most current and accurate information regarding navigational conditions.

Key Features

We propose a tailored platform to empower them in efficiently managing and sharing navigational warnings and information. Here are some key features


How we built the Warning Information Navigational Services platform

In the dynamic realm of maritime navigation, the timely dissemination of critical safety information is of paramount importance. We recognize the need for a centralized and user-friendly platform that empowers NAVAREA coordinators to deliver navigational warnings and other relevant data to ships and vessels in a highly effective manner. Our proposal outlines the development of such a platform, designed to enhance safety at sea and contribute to the protection of marine environments.


Warning information and navigational services offer a range of benefits across various contexts, including transportation, safety, and navigation. These services aim to provide individuals and organizations with valuable information to make informed decisions and improve overall efficiency and safety.


Miscellaneous Warnings

These warnings are a vital component of the platform, providing diverse types of critical information to mariners, coastal authorities, and the public. Miscellaneous Warnings into various categories, ensuring that a wide range of important information is accessible to users.

Some common types of Miscellaneous Warnings include: